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Menulis wasiat dengan As-Salihin

Bakpo sibuk wasiat ni...nak mati dah ke. Knowing when you will die is its own nikmat.

I first got into this whole urgency to write my wasiat because I saw a verse about wasiat on TV. And that's really my only motivation at first. Then I learnt more online and on TV shows (thank you Ustaz who used the P. Ramlee 3 Abdul comparison) about how susah it is for your waris if you don't settle your harta, tak kisah how little you have while you're still alive. Dah la dosa masa hidup, then sebab tak settle harta, tambah dosa masa mati pulak. Urgh, I have enough sins already please...

The main reason for a wasiat are:

1. settle your debt. how you gonna die peacefully, go to heaven if you don't settle your hutang? Debt got hutang dunia and hutang akhirat. 

a. World debt are your loans, credit cards, PTPTN: can take out life insurance for that if you still young.

b. Akhirat debt is zakat pendapatan, zakat harta, zakat emas etc, fidyah, badal haji if you can afford but didn't go yet.

2. make sure everyone yang berhak receives their hak. we don't know what our parents, uncles and aunties or brothers and sisters are going through all the time. humans tend to hide pain from people they love in the misguided belief that they don't want to burden others. so I choose to believe that not everyone is tamak harta when they ask for their share of the faraid. Some just needs the money desperately and this is Allah's way of providing for them. Allah knows what everyone is going thru and what is in everyone's hearts. We usaha with our wasiat, the rest tawakal, submit to Allah's will/planning.

nah. one house for you to live a blessed life in.

Why not Amanah Raya jer

So I tried 2 companies and the one that responded the fastest was As-Salihin, next day terus call and WhatsApp. Not gonna say the other company name ya. I know Amanah Raya handles wasiat also, but its by the government. And just like government hospitals who have all the high tech machineries and best interest of the rakyat at heart, it takes time. I love you public hospitals, but if I can afford it, I will depend less on you. Same goes for my thoughts on Amanah Raya. Let's allow the public services to serve those who can't afford private services. Berkaitan dengan economic theory of "public good". Let's not talk about market liberalisation pulak.

Wasi / Pentadbir Harta / Tukang lari sini sana buat paperwork

You can also make As-Salihin as your wasi, meaning the person that banks, KWSP (through your penama, refer below note on KWSP), koperasi, insurans and what not will hand your harta over to distribute. Really wei the work involved in changing house land car cat ownership is no joke. And you cannot do it on weekends! Means you have to cuti and cuti and cuti just to do gomen paperwork. This stuff all takde kat UTC ok. I don't want any of my family members to have to suffer thru the paperwork while grieving (you guys better be sad when I'm dead, sekejap je jangan lama buang masa, I want Al-Fatihah whenever you remember me).

Adakah anda mempunyai masa dan kelayakan/kesabaran/ketaqwaan untuk menghandle paperwork jabatan-jabatan kerajaan seorang diri?


Their fees depend on your wasiat complexity macam harta banyak ke, harta kat negara mana, waris banyak ke nak bahagi bahagi in your wasiat (only 1/3 of your harta is wasiat-able, the rest go to faraid unless the waris faraid ok to give away their hak. All these hak-hak thing comes with responsibility, and is set by Allah. So I trust Allah knows who is more beneficial to me than I do myself. I may think I know who are good to me, but Allah knows who do/say what when I am not around and stuff you know.)

And As-Salihin was affordable for my akhirat considerations, it depends how much harta you got. More harta, more complications then the price also go up la. Tapi if you normal working class people with a house and a car and the normal lain-lain like emas, insurans, credit card, savings account then its about RM1,000-RM1,500 one time fee, the rest they get a percentage when you die (which of course you will). Tahun 2019 fee dia bila you dah mati is fixed at 1.8%, but considering the work they have to do, dealing with government land office, registration, run here and there...saya absolutely halalkan 1.8% tu. Terima kasih kerana menyenangkan kerja saya dan waris saya.

Nasihat yang dia bagi berbaloi feenya

This is my favourite part. Because everyone got different family makeup (no its not the thing you put on your face). Ada yang takde anak, takde anak lelaki, anak angkat berdaftar, anak angkat tak berdaftar. So many, so you really need an expert to sit down and kenal all your 11 adik beradik belah ayah and 3 belah mak story all for you to figure out yours and their hak. Especially harta anak yatim...woo Quran cakap macam makan fireball in stomach, I dunwan. So aside from the paperwork, it's the personalised just for you advice that you are paying for. The advice differs even within the same family. Say you as a young daughter will have different considerations if you are an aging mother. And you can update with them as long as you live. 

Kita kena kenal family tree kita untuk elak termakan hak orang. Especially family member yang miskin or yatim.

Lama tak buat wasiat?

Speed nak buat wasiat ni absolutely depends on you. For me it took me 1 year. Another family took 7 years! Dah masuk standard 1 dah wasiat tu. Bakpo time beza-beza gitu? Sebab yang melambatkannya adalah saya sendiri yang lalai dengan dunia. Itulah reasonnya. Its odd when you think about it. We dont know when we will die, and yet we let the world distract us from the akhirat paperwork. As if we know when we will die. Pelik pelik.

Awat hang terkejut, kan dah cakap ajal come anytime.

Dia ambik masa sebab you need to bring out all your paperwork. Macam your waris name and IC, account numbers, EPF, SOCSO, ASNB, Tabung Haji, Insurance, Company registration, geran-geran, all these numbers you need to list down. And the headache part is how to distribute 1/3 of your wasiat-able wealth. Are the waris in your mind already in the 2/3 faraid-able part of your harta? If they are, do you wanna add more to them by giving the remaining 1/3 wasiat-able portion of your harta? If not, who you wanna give it to and do you have that person's full name and IC number? Nak bagi harta rupanya tak boleh secret/surprise sebab kena mintak IC orang tu.

Basically As-Salihin nak buat wasiat tu kejap je, within a week settle. It's the penulis (us) yang take time to kumpul all the maklumat. And itu tak termasuk procrastination. Normal really. A lot of people are uncomfortable with will writing, sebab dia rasa tulis wasiat equals to mati. Seperti yang diceritakan oleh ustaz Tirmizi dalam QuranTime. Mati bukan sebab jumpa agen wasiat, mati sebab ajal. You tulis or not, you will still die, but your love ones have to live with the consequence of your death. wasiat or not to wasiat, that is the question.

Nah gambar semangat untuk siapkan your wasiat. 

Also, untuk lelaki-lelaki yang ada secret wives and undocumented stateless children...please think about them. You definitely need to sort out their paperwork before you die. Because the laws in Malaysia are patriarchal in nature (kerakyatan diwarisi ikut bapa). To women, a man who is not concerned with the legitimacy of your marriage (paperwork, IC, ID, ceritificate nikah, certificate lahir), is not a man to marry.

ok sorry, undocumented children due to their parents just gets me...ok PSA habis

KWSP dan As-Salihin

Amazing race jugak hari tu nak buat penama KWSP kepada As-Salihin. Rupanya tak boleh sebab dalam list KWSP cuma ada Amanah Raya. The right thing to do is then to list your most able-bodied family/trusted person + nombor IC dia (yang boleh buat paperwork dan lari sani sini) as penama. Kemudian penama tu akan have to deal with As-Salihin when you die and As-Salihin akan distribute your KWSP seperti your wasiat and faraid.

Insurance and As-Salihin

You can place As-Salihin as the wasi together with their company registration number.

Tabung Haji and As-Salihin

The form only fits an IC number, so need an individual lah instead of a company. Didn't ask cause so many people. If anyone know let me know. Tabung Haji also has this hibah thing where once you declare your Tabung Haji account as hibah, it will not be part of the faraid-able harta. So you can give to anyone you want including non-Muslims. Or you can just leave it as part of your faraid-able harta to pay off any debts you have.

-- THE END --

I'm gonna write about Harta Sepencarian next cause there is a chance that your spouse may end up homeless after harta split.
