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Showing posts from October, 2020

Menulis wasiat dengan As-Salihin

Bakpo sibuk wasiat ni...nak mati dah ke. Knowing when you will die is its own nikmat. I first got into this whole urgency to write my wasiat because I saw a verse about wasiat on TV. And that's really my only motivation at first. Then I learnt more online and on TV shows (thank you Ustaz who used the P. Ramlee 3 Abdul comparison) about how susah it is for your waris if you don't settle your harta, tak kisah how little you have while you're still alive. Dah la dosa masa hidup, then sebab tak settle harta, tambah dosa masa mati pulak. Urgh, I have enough sins already please... The main reason for a wasiat are: 1. settle your debt. how you gonna die peacefully, go to heaven if you don't settle your hutang? Debt got hutang dunia and hutang akhirat.  a. World debt are your loans, credit cards, PTPTN: can take out life insurance for that if you still young. b. Akhirat debt is zakat pendapatan, zakat harta, zakat emas etc, fidyah, badal haji if you can afford but didn't go